Allows you set your address information in a HTML format on the map module with a bubble. The module parameters makes it easy to change width, height, position and zoom level of the map. Ability to optionally add default controls on the final map. Using Google Map Version 3. You will no longer need the Google Map API key.
- Use Google Maps API.
- Auto-Detect Language.
- Zoom/Pan/Wheel control.
- Map type selectable.
- Display an image for your location.
- Display your location's information.
- Adjust map width and height.
- Cross Browser Support.
Install Extension
You only need to take a few quick steps:
- Log into your Joomla 3.x, 4.x or Joomla 5 Administrator section.
- In the top menu, hover over Extensionsand then select Extension Manager.
- In the Choose Filesection, click Browseand find the file you just download (
After you have selected this file, click the Upload and Installbutton.
When your JMZ Google Map Package has been uploaded and installed successfully, you will see a confirmation message:
Configure Parameters
- Go to Extensions-> Modules Manager. And Publishthe JMZ Google Map module that was installed.
- Click on the JMZ Google Mapin the list below:
The Module Manager screen will be displayed showing you all the module parameters
In Details, set the Status parameter to Publishedand set the Positionparameter to the place you want the module to appear in the template, show or hide the title.
Insert Google API key, Map Language, Latitude, Longitude
There are a few specific settings that you should use when using the JMZ Google Map.
When you want to display a module on specific menus, you need to assign it to the menus. Go to Menu Assignmenttab, select which pages you want to show the module on. You can choose On all Pages, No Pages, Only on the pages selected, or On all pages except those selected.
Click the Save&Closeto apply your changes.
Congratulations, you have just installed JMZ Google Map for your Joomla!Site.
VERSION 2.1 - Noticed on 06 Nov, 2023
- Fully compatible with Joomla 5
VERSION 2.1 - Released on Jan 06, 2023
- Updated: Compatible with Joomla 4
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 2.0 - Released on May 04, 2019
- Updated the feature: Support Font-awesome Icons V5
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.9 - Released on January 17, 2019
- Updated the feature: Responsive Design Module
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.8 - Released on November 26, 2018
- Updated the feature: Changed option 'Latitude'
- Updated the feature: Changed option 'Longitude'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.7 - Released on July 12, 2018
- Updated the feature: Changed option 'Google API key'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.6 - Released on May 20, 2018
- Add new feature: Support option 'CSS Info'
- Add new feature: Support option 'Powered by Google'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.5 - Released on August 18, 2017
- Add new feature: Support option 'Location Tittle'
- Updated the feature: option 'Location Info' - Support HTML Code
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.4 - Released on February 12, 2017
- Updated the feature: option 'Display Marker'
- Updated the feature: option 'Marker Image'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.3 - Released on December 22, 2016
- Add new feature: Support option 'Map CSS'
- Add new feature: Support option 'Zoom Level'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.2 - Released on July 12, 2016
- Add new feature: Support option 'Show Map Border'
- Add new feature: Support option 'Map Border Color'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.1 - Released on June 15, 2015
- Add new feature: Support option 'Load Font-awesome Icons'
- Add new feature: Support option 'Map Language'
- Fixed: Minor fixes/improvements.
VERSION 1.0 - Released on April 10, 2015
- First release.